
Sri.P.Vaman Rao(Founder Member)

  • Sr.Journalist in HINDHU NEWS Paper for 20 years.
  • Editor New Swatantra Times English monthly.
  • Former Director,Information & pub.Relations Govt.of A.P.
  • Audit Committee Chairman Hydreabad Industries.(BirlaGroup)
  • Ex.CEO:Sirpur Paper Mills.
  • Founder member Hyd.bad Temple,Birla Museum& Birla Planterium..Founder Manager,Bharatiya Vidhya Bahavan's Schools at Hydreabad.
  • Memeber,Sarvodhaya International A.P Chapter.
  • Members in Several cultural and Social organisation 40 years of administrative positions at various capacities.

MS.Mrinalini Chotopadyay(Vice-Chairman)

  • Niece of Renowned English writer Mrs.Sarojini  Naidu  she had adopted  the  rich heritage from Mrs Sarojini Naidu. Ex-Director LIC of India. English write and Philanthropist involed in social activities . Chair person of Sarodaya International Trust, A.P Chapter.


  • Educationist & philanthropist aving 25 years Experience in running Educational Institutions as a founder secretary & principal.Member in Jiddu Krishnamurthi Center.Recieved Best Performance Award from Jawahar Knowledge Center,State 2013 for Rishi M.s Engg college.


  • B.Arch., (JNTU, Hyderabad) M.Arch., (JNU, New Delhi)&M.S (USA ) Practiced as Architect at New Delhi, Chandigarh for 2 years. Philanthropist focused  on  social activities.


  • IPS(Rtd)

Mrs.Girija Narasimha Rao (Member).

Mrs.Swarajya Lakshmi(Member).